Hurricane Kyle...from space. Yet another service provided by the amazing, pragmatic and utile satellites which circle our planet. Of course Kyle was just the little brother to Ike.

The destruction left by Ike was devastating. However, it could have been much worse in human costs if not for the ability of meteorologists to model and observe them, and issue warnings so that people can evacuate the path of destruction. Of course this involves more than NASA, more than a few photos from space. However, that is one part of the equation. From the simple and small Explorer I launched in January, 1958 to today's sophisticated weather satellites, the men and women "rocket scientists" helped blaze the trial to space which reaps so many sublime benefits.
There are so many technologies developed for NASA which have made great contributions to every day life. Ironically the ones that many people name first are not in this category...like Teflon and Velcro. But you can find out for yourself just what NASA has done for you lately by having a look at NASA Spinoff, the stories of successfully commercialized NASA technology.
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